Page 7 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 7

THE MEDVIEW                                    What's

                        DYNAMIC - 08                                   I N S I D E ?

                                                                       The Development Journey                  03

                                                                       Dynamic                                  08

                                                                       The first MEDView Dynamic
                                                                       Gastro                                   12

                                                                       Use on the road                          14
                                            THE MEDVIEW                Use in clinic/hospital environments      15

                                          DVX-SERIES - 26              Airway                                   16

                                                                       Which one is right for you?              17
                                                                       MEDView DV1                              18
                                                                       MEDView DV2                              20
                                                                       MEDView DV3                              22
                                                                            DV3 on the road                     24
                                                                            DV3 in clinic/hospital environments  25
                                                                       MEDView DVX-Series                       26

                                                                       Dental                                   28

                                                                       Use on the road                          30
                                                                       Use in the clinic/hospital environment   31
                                                                       MEDView iHUB                             32

                                                                       The battery powered, portable
                                       MEDVOS SOFTWARE - 38            endoscopy screen.

                                                                       MEDView PRO Endoscopy  Trolley           34

                 THE MEDVIEW PRO                                       Efficiently use the MEDView endoscopes
                     ENDOSCOPY                                         within a hospital environment.

                    TROLLEY - 36
                                                                       MEDVos Software                          38

                                                                       The powerful software that underpins the
                                                                       MEDView endoscopy range.
                                                                       E-Learning Portal                        42

                                                                       Professional development and
                                                                       training exclusively for customers.
                                                                       Instruments                              44
                                           THE MEDVIEW                 The full product range and
                                             iHUB - 32                 complementary accessories.

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