Page 6 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 6

Why choose
                M E D V I E W ?

                When designing the MEDView range, compatibility                 "The ability to complete 3
                across the scopes was one of our top priorities. Whether        different clinical procedures
                you're in the clinic or out on the road, the MEDView            in 1 hour using 3 different

                products work seamlessly together or on their own.
                                                                                MEDView scopes was a key
                                                                                factor in my buying decision".
                Building a modular system to cover every clinical need
                was a prerequisite in the early design stages. We also            - Equine Vet
                developed the range in a way that enables you to add on
                scopes to coincide with the growth of your practice.

                All of our MEDView scopes are driven by the same
                MEDVos operating platform making it easy and
                simple to use.                                                      +44 (0)1691 662527

                    Martin Davies
                    Managing Director

                AN AFFORDABLE RETURN

                ON INVESTMENT

                  THE MEDVIEW RANGE

                Having the best equipment can be
                the difference between stagnation                   "I was able to pay off my

                and growth.                                         MEDView Gastro in 10
                                                                    months with doing just 3
                Equipment financing and rental
                make high-quality equipment                         procedures a week. Best
                accessible from the outset.                         investment I've ever made!"
                                                                    -Rick Farr, Farr & Pursey

                We are now FCA-approved

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