Page 10 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 10

MEDVIEW                                                                 The MEDView Scopes & Equipment

                 DYNAMIC                                                                  all work together for maximum

                 The 9mm diameter with 4-way deflecting
                 makes it the smallest dynamic scope on
                 the market and enables easy passing into                             9mm diameter
                 any size of horse.

                 The durable, titanium semi-flex section                              Titanium "semi-flex" for scope
                 ensures optimum stability for every                                  stability
                 equine discipline.

                 The flush on the scope will be controlled                            A.I controlled and timed flush,
                 by Artificial Intelligence meaning it                                flush only when needed
                 flushes only when the image is not
                 diagnostic. It also has a unique aspirating                          Custom bridle and saddle pad for
                 function which removes the previously                                every horse type
                 problematic "bubbling" on the video.

                                                                                       4 way deflecting

                                                                                       Speed and elevation

                                                                                       Remote viewer with 500M


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