Page 28 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 28

MEDVIEW DV2-X                                                    Engineered in Germany

                Part of the MEDView DVX-Series, the
                MEDView DV2-X is perfect if you're looking                       Lightweight
                for an entry-level scope that doesn't
                compromise on quality of build or long-term
                                                                                  5 minute full clean
                To make this scope more accessible, we've
                refined the software features without
                compromising the functions you need to
                scope quickly and effectively time and                           Up to 6 hours battery life
                time again.

                 You can charge on the go meaning you can
                keep it in your car for when you need it.

                                                                           "The MEDView DV2-X has revolutionised
                                                                           upper respiratory examinations, especially
                     1.2kg hand luggage                                    entering the guttural pouch - it's so easy...
                                                                           It really is a magical machine."
                                                    Car USB charger
                                                                           Dr Richard Owen | RD Owen Equine

                                                                             Easy guttural pouch entry

            27                                                                             5 minute full clean
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