Page 36 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 36

MEDVIEW EXCELLENCE                                                      The MEDView Scopes & Equipment

                 IN A CLINIC OR                                                           all work together for maximum

                 HOSPITAL SETTING

                 Bespoke in its design, the trolley is built to facilitate
                 efficient use of the MEDView endoscopes for
                 different clinical procedures within a hospital
                 environment. Rugged wheel design enables you to
                 swiftly transfer all your diagnostic scopes from a
                 treatment room to an in-patient stable.
                 The HDMI Pro box is small but powerful. It can store
                 26GB of data and enables you to link your scope to
                 the screen for split screen functionality,
                 WIFI/Bluetooth sharing and more.

                 27-inch touchscreen with                                                             Bespoke endoscope
                 superb quality and split                                                             holders allow for
                 screen functionality - it's a                                                        easy access and
                 great teaching/training aid.                                                         interchangeability.

                                                                                                      Drawer and shelf
                                                                                                      storage for

                The HDMI Pro box passes the                                                           equipment and
                surgical quality imaging from                                                         accessories.
                the scopes through to the

                The rugged and mobile wheels                                       The ergonomic handle makes
                are suitable for all surfaces and                                  the trolley easy to move.
                can be locked in position.                                                      Drawer and shelf storage
                                                                                                 for MEDView equipment
                                                                                                    and accessories.

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