Page 14 - Med Equus - Medview Brochure
P. 14

MEDVIEW                                                                 The MEDView Scopes & Equipment

                 DV GASTRO                                                                all work together for maximum

                Being able to set up, examine and clean in less
                than 20 minutes is a procedural revolution.

                The speed of use combined with its 6 hours                           Engineered in Germany
                battery life and portability has enabled vets to
                increase profitability by performing more
                scopes in less time while out on the road.                           Portable and lightweight

                The 11mm outer diameter allows you to
                introduce the gastroscope via a stomach tube -                       Set up, examine and clean on
                eliminating the risk of it being chewed.                             the yard in under 20 minutes

                The endoscope is reliable and resilient with a
                silica engrained camera chip to prevent costly                       Silica engrained
                repair bills from moisture ingress.                                  camera chip design

                Suitable for clinical procedures including;
                oesophageal examination, stomach evaluation,                         Up to 6 hours battery life
                stomach tissue sampling, pyloric and
                duodenum evaluation.

                                                                                     11mm OD, passes
                                                                                     inside stomach tube

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